One Savvy Mom ™ | NYC Area Mom Blog: Suuthe.....The Perfect Remedy For Sensitive Skin (Review)

Suuthe.....The Perfect Remedy For Sensitive Skin (Review)

A Little Bit About Suuthe
Suuthe by Mari is a mother-inspired line of skin products that nourishes and repairs damaged skin. Born from a mother’s need to help repair and relieve her baby’s skin conditions such as eczema, Suuthe skin products are made from high-quality natural and organic, food-grade ingredients that have been used for thousands of years to provide fast, effective, natural relief for sensitive and damaged skin. That mother is Mari Carlin Dart, creator of our damaged skin
repair product line.

What Suuthe can do for you:
Our line of skin repair products is baby safe, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbrial, and aroma therapeutic. Suuthe’s damaged skin repair products are effective for all kinds of skin related problems: diaper rash, eczema, psoriasis, dry & cracked skin, scrapes & cuts, bumps &
bruises, sunburn, 1st & 2nd degree burns, stings & insect bites, rashes, baby skin issues, chapped lips, blisters & cold sores, acne, aging & wrinkled skin, and much more!
Our Experience
Seeing that Suuthe prodcuts are comprised of all natural ingredients really caught my attention, as the princess and myself have extremely sensitive skin.  Our sensitive skin cautions me when it comes to skincare and the sometimes harsh ingredients that can lurk in moisturizers and other skincare products.

We received the Suuthe's Skin Repair and Suuthe's Lip balm (pictured above), and after a week of use, I'm impressed with the results. My daughter has had problems with horrible dry skin this Winter. With the recent harsh Winter weather (coupled with months of having the house closed up and the heat on) it didn't matter how much cream or lotion we applied, nothing seemed to work. We have used the Suuthe Skin Damage repair on her daily (in the morning, and at night) and the results are visible; her skin is quenched and smooth, as it should be.  The lip balm by Suuthe is equally effective, my chapped lips are now smooth after month's of exposure to harsh winds and cold temperatures.

Suuthe products are the perfect remedy for sensitive skin!
You can find Suuthe Skin Care products at

DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review purposes. I am not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.