One Savvy Mom ™ | NYC Area Mom Blog: Let Target Kids' Gift Detective Help You Find The Perfect Presents This Holiday Season!

Let Target Kids' Gift Detective Help You Find The Perfect Presents This Holiday Season!

Disclosure: This post contains sponsored content* All thoughts and opinions expressed are our own.

It's that time of year again; the holiday's are nearly upon us and it's time to start making my list and checking it twice!

Every year, the holiday season inevitably sneaks up on me. Yes, it comes at the same time of year every year. However, I still never feel quite prepared for the whirlwind that ensues between November and January. The shopping season is proving to be even more challenging this year, as I am also preparing for the arrival of our 3rd child in early February. 

I definitely needed a little help with seeking out the perfect gifts for my children and Target's Gift Detective (former CIA Agent) Jonna Mendez came to my rescue with some great tips!

Though our children can be quick to share some item's that are topping their lists, they tend to remain quiet about some of the items that they are hoping for most, from Santa.

Jonna suggested a fun "Clandestine Communication" list making project that the kids are sure to enjoy and that will also help me uncover some of their most wished for item's this holiday.

Instead of sitting down and having the kids write out a list, Jonna suggested that we use "Santa's Secret Ink" to create our wish list's. "Santa's Secret ink" is both fun and useful in finding out what your kids want most this Holiday. You can read about how to make and use "Santa's Secret Ink" over on A BULLSEYE VIEW. It's a super simple mixture and requires ingredients that you most likely already have on hand in your pantry.

Jonna also suggested that I employ "Access Agents" in helping me find out exactly what my kids want most this year.

For example; making friends with one of Santa's helpers when your children visit Santa at the mall, can be a big help! Ask one of Santa's helpers to help you by listening in on your kids' wish list confessions to Santa.  Then have them share the list with you via a quick text, if possible.

This year, I am looking for item's that will get good use throughout the year. I have a tendency to seek out current fads when shopping for my children, which isn't always wise. These trending item's often only get used a handful of times and wind up in the "donate pile" early in the year. This year, I feel much better equipped to find item's that will hold my kids' attention long after holiday season has ended.

Jonna has some great tips to help parents seek out the perfect gifts for their kids this holiday season, visit to read more great tips on finding out what your kids really want this holiday.

For thousands of great kids' gift ideas, head over to

*Compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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