Summer takes on a new form when you become a parent. Yes, the summer season has always been about fun and relaxation however, the need for fun and relaxation becomes far more prevalent when you have a growing family. The season presses the pause button on our otherwise hectic daily schedule, and we're able to come together for some much needed quality time together.
Much of that quality time is spent in our backyard tending to our plants, and hanging out with the kids on the swings. Always safe; we make sure to lather the kids and ourselves with plenty Banana Boat® sunscreen before heading out back.
We have been doing small gardening projects with our two older children since they were young. We started out with a small boxed pizza garden, and graduated to larger container gardens on our porch. My daughter's favorite annual project is her potted fairy garden. She re-paints the trinkets and adds new baubles each year, then tends to it daily throughout the season.

This year we're growing a larger version of our original gardening project; a pizza garden sized for a family of five. We have sweet basil, tomatoes, and oregano all in the works for what I'm sure will be a memorable family meal (or two) at the end of the season. While watering our plants last night, our daughter was recounting all that she had learned about plants in science class this year. As I listened to her speak, it got me thinking about all of the valuable lessons children (and adults for that matter) learn from gardening. These three really stood out for me as a mother:
1. How to love and nurture: Growing your own successful garden requires a lot of attention, effort, and love. Gardening offers children a real-time view at the beautiful things that happen as a result of their efforts.
2. Patience: This isn't something that most kids have an abundance of, and the seed to table / seed to flower experience takes a lifetime in their eyes! We're also in an era where instant gratification is the name of the game. Information, modern conveniences, technology; it's all at our fingertips. Gardening offers kids a different perspective though; some things in life truly are worth the wait! This is a valuable lesson that transfers and is applicable in many areas of life.
3. Gratitude: This goes hand-in-hand with the aforementioned lesson in patience. The growth process doesn't happen over night. While we have the ability to walk into the store and purchase the items that we need, growing your own garden creates a valuable awareness and gratitude for all that it takes to make that possible.
If your looking to start a garden with your kids this summer, I would highly recommend starting with a pizza garden. Growing ingredients to make a fun family meal together is the perfect starter-experience for children.
When you head out to tend to your garden this summer, be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen! We always apply Banana Boat® Kids 50 sunscreen on our children (and re-apply every 60 minutes or so) when we spend time in our garden. And don't forget yourself; I know how easy that can be when your tending to the kids. I use Banana Boat® Sport Performance Clear UltraMist 100 Sunscreen when I'm doing yard work, and when I'm out exploring outside with the kids. The continuous spray application is super quick and convenient; a huge plus when corralling an active toddler!

For more on how you and your family can have fun and be safe in the sun this summer, visit www.GreatBigFamilyReunion.com
Do you garden? What's your favorite thing to grow in the Summer? Share in a comment below!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Banana Boat® . The opinions and text are all mine. Comments submitted may be displayed on other websites owned by the sponsoring brand.
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