Has the adult coloring book craze caught on in your home? It has in ours!
I totally get why this has become such a widely popular trend. With all of the technology available today, it's nice to just unplug, relax, and get back to basics from time to time. Coloring creates an opportunity to do just that, while also getting a little creative - which is always fun!
While I'm absolutely loving this trend, my tween daughter is over the moon for it! We have now amassed a large collection of adult coloring books, and she also loves browsing online for free printable adult coloring pages too - she loves it ALL!
Last week, she asked if we could make something with her coloring pages. So, I put my thinking cap on and came up with this simple fun way to turn adult coloring pages into Fabric Wall Art. She had so much fun putting this little wall hanging together, and she added a quote over top of the coloring - which I absolutely love - SO creative! Her freehand lettering abilities are getting better than mine these days! This is a super fun tween & teen summer craft idea that will keep the kids occupied for a an hour or two.
Check out the simple supply list along with our step-by-step tutorial below on how to create fabric wall art using adult coloring book pages.
What you'll need:
- An iron
- An uncolored / black & white coloring book page (if you don't have an adult coloring book browse around online for a free printable adult coloring book page).
- An inkjet printer (with scanner if using an adult coloring book page instead of a free printable found online).
- I
- A wood dowel/ slender piece of wood sized to fit your wall hanging (the dowel pictured in our images is 18" in length)
- Scissors
- A piece of canvas or light colored/white fabric - we used an untreated cotton canvas colored bandana that we found at our local craft store for $1. It was generously sized at 24" x 24" which was perfect for the little fabric wall hanging that we wanted to create.
- A sewing needle and thread to create a 1"-2" pocket to insert your wooden dowel to create a hanger optional: finish the edges of your wall art if desired. We used some simple stitching to finish the edges on our wall hanging pictured above and below)
- Acrylic paint and paint brush optional (we used gold acrylic paint to paint the top and bottom of our fabric wall hanging, and to paint the wooden dowel that we used to create the hanger - pictured above and below)
- White t-shirt transfer paper (or transfer paper intended for light/white fabric) made for inkjet printers.
- Permanent markers
- Ribbon or twine to create a hanger for your completed fabric wall hanging
How to:
- Scan your blank coloring book page using your printer and save it to your computer or save the free printable coloring page that you've found online to your computer.
- Place your iron transfer paper into your printer (make sure that you have the appropriate side facing up. Follow the directions on the paper that you purchase).
- Print your blank coloring page on your iron transfer paper.
- Follow the directions on your iron transfer paper to transfer the image onto your fabric/canvas.
- Once your image is transferred, use permanent markers to color your image / adult coloring book page.
- Optional: Use acrylic paint to add some detail to the top and bottom of your wall hanging. We used gold paint on the top and bottom of our pictured Fabric Wall Art hanging. Allow adequate time for drying.
- Optional: Paint your wooden dowel using acrylic paint. Allow adequate time for drying.
- Use a sewing needle / thread to create a 1"-2" pocket (depending on the size of your dowel) to slide your dowel through, to create a hanger for your Fabric Wall Art. (see images above and below).
- Tie two 12" pieces of ribbon on either side of your wooden dowel, join both pieces in the center in a knot or bow to create a hanger for your Fabric Wall Art.
Hang your completed Fabric Wall Art, and enjoy!
My daughter hung her completed project in her room on her pin board - super cute DIY décor!
Happy crafting everyone!