After coming across a yard of brown fabric and felt in our tote of craft scraps and a ball of red yarn, the idea for this Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Mini Embroidery Hoop Ornament was hatched! These ornaments make a great handmade Christmas gift idea. They also make a great holiday keepsake craft for the kids to make and for you to cherish as a parent, for years to come.
Read on for the simple supply list, our free printable template and our easy tutorial, to make your own Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Mini Embroidery Hoop Ornament, this holiday season!
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Mini Embroidery Hoop Christmas Ornament How-To
What you'll need:
- 4" Wooden embroidery Hoop
- (1) Fat quarter of light brown fabric (found for about $1 ea. at most craft stores)
- (1) Sheet of brown felt
- (1) Pre-made medium red pompom or red yarn to make your own medium sized red pompom (we used a handmade pompom for the pictured Rudolph Mini Embroidery Hoop ornament)
- Dark brown embroidery floss
- Light brown embroidery floss
- Black embroidery floss
- Red embroidery floss
- A sewing/embroidery needle
- A pencil
- Scissors
- Our free printable 5" Deer Embroidery Hoop Template (cut all of the shapes out along the outermost black line, using felt and scissors. Note: as we simply modified this template by adding a red pompom for Rudolph's nose, you should omit the black felt nose piece)
- Ribbon, to create a ribbon hanger for your finished ornament.
- Cut a piece of light brown fabric from your "fat quarter" sized to fit your 4" hoop. Place it in the hoop. Pull until fabric is fairly tight. Tighten hoop to secure fabric in place.
- Cut all of the felt / fabric pieces needed for this project, using the template. Once cut, set pieces to the side.
- Start with the large center "mask" piece for the deer. Center it on your embroidery hoop - lining the top curve with the edge of the hoop (refer to imagery above and below.) Using an embroidery needle and dark brown embroidery floss, stitch around the entire outside edge of this piece, using a simple back-stitch.
- Once complete, using brown embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch stitch along the bottom of each "antler piece" affixing them to either side of your deer - making sure that they are evenly spaced out (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using red embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch, stitch your medium sized pre-made or handmade red pompom nose onto the end of the center piece of the previously stitched felt deer "mask" refer to images a
- Lay one of the light brown small ear pieces over top of one of the larger brown ear pieces. Pinch the pieces at the bottom, drive your needle through the center of the ear pieces (from outside left through the center to outside right. Use a simple stitch or two to affix the ear at the bottom of one of the previously stitched antler pieces. Repeat this step, to complete the second ear (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Next, use a pencil to lightly sketch your eyes onto the light brown fabric. Use black embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch, to follow the pencil marks / create the eyes for your deer embroidery hoop (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using light brown thread, add 10-15 small cross stitches to the center of the deer "mask" / head (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using a simple back-stitch, and black embroidery floss, stitch on two eyes for your deer (you can use a pencil to lightly sketch where you want to place your eyes and how you'd like them shaped etc.)
- Pull a thin piece of colored or festive ribbon through the top of your embroidery hoop. Knot or tie in a bow at the top, to create a hanger for your ornament.
Hang your completed Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Mini Embroidery Hoop Ornament and enjoy, or gift to someone special!
Happy crafting and Happy Holidays, friends!
Like this sewing project? Check out these other fun projects from our Kids Sewing Series:

Mini Embroidery Hoop Snowman Ornaments- Kids Sewing Series at One Savvy Mom™ Project #7